Vaginal SteamING

I discovered steaming 2 years postpartum, as I was noticing a short cycle (25 days) starting with a short bleed which ended with predominantly brown blood. Did you know that cycles shorter than 28 days are a sign of uterine fatigue? Did you know that a healthy bleed starts and ends with RED blood? I didn’t, but I intuitively knew that my cycles didn’t feel healthy. Enter steaming! After only 2 months of steaming, my body was back to a 28 days cycle, with only red blood…It was amazing!

Vaginal Steaming has been used as a method for feminine self-care dating back hundreds of years, and spanning the globe. Steam has the power to improve blood circulation, address infections, regulate cycles, aid in recovery following childbirth, tone ligaments, and encourage a full and healthy uterine cleanse (our bleed!). Steaming can be particularly powerful during postpartum, when our body is going through a full uterine cleanse, following 9+ of months of growing a baby.

To learn more about all of the benefits of steaming during your postpartum recovery, head on over to the

Fourth Trimester Steam Study, conducted by Steamy Chick.



At 1-2 days postpartum we will connect about how your birth unfolded, and I will write you a custom steam protocol for the first 30 days postpartum. Also includes a 30 day supply of steaming herbs by KITARA, preparation of your first session, and instructions for how to do the setup on your own. I have 1 traveling steam stool that I offer up to clients to use during their postpartum, please let me know if you would be interested in borrowing my travel stool prior to our visit!

Additionally, here is a great TUTORIAL on how to DIY your own steam stool using your toilet and a bowl.

Have questions?

Please feel free to email me!

All clients wanting a custom protocol should plan to fill out this intake form 1-2 days postpartum, in addition to getting in touch with me prior to your birth to confirm availability of my steam stool.

I have been certified through The Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute by Steamy Chick. For more information regarding my certification, Directory of fellow Steam Facilitators, or the history and beneifts of Vaginal Steaming…

Please visit the Steamy Chick Website!